Follow The Tips to Enhance Custom Peptide Synthesis

Chemically, small polymers of amino acids called synthetic peptides are created. According to this analogy, synthetic peptides are to proteins, what oligos are to DNA. In a nutshell, the synthesis reaction entails joining an amino acids carboxyl group to the amino group of the amino acid that came before it in the peptide chain. Several reactive groups on the side chains and termini must be chemically protected to stop undesirable reactions from happening. Even though synthesizing a peptide only involves three or four simple organic reactions, wildly disparate outcomes in terms of crude yield and purity are frequently observed. The peptide sequence itself is almost always to blame for these variations. Follow the tips for custom peptide synthesis that will lead to improved synthesis.

Your solution containing the coupling reagent and amino acids should be more concentrated.

It ought to make sense. After all, adding a single amino acid to a growing peptide chain requires the completion of two distinct, concentration-dependent, bimolecular reactions. Following this tip for custom peptide synthesis can increase the likelihood that the desired molecules will interact appropriately by increasing reagent concentrations while decreasing solution volume. The effects of amino acid concentration are apparent, primarily when longer peptides are synthesized.

A double couple occurs when there are several consecutively identical amino acids present.

This makes sense for some peptides containing only one amino acid with a large sidechain (consider Arg8), but you'd be surprised at how challenging Ala8 can be to synthesize! These difficulties frequently result from the growing peptide's decreased solubility or secondary structure formation. However, it can also be challenging to synthesize a peptide with only a few (2-4) identical amino acids arranged linearly within the rest of the peptide sequence. The presence of deletion sequences can be reduced, and the resulting peptides' yield and quality can be improved by double coupling the second or third identical amino acid in a row.

The Bottom Line

Custom peptide synthesis is the talk of the business as it can be made quickly, and unlike with recombinant proteins, you do not need to be concerned about cell culture systems or downstream purification. Therefore, you certainly need such processing tips to increase your yield. If you follow these tips for custom peptide synthesis, you will come out on top!


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